Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Like royalty

Almost back from our trip to Ireland, we were bowled over by the hospitality of our Irish relatives. We went in spite of being 'dared' to take the ferry by the consultant, and thus having worried about it on and off for a while (I was quite prepared to stay in Wales with P if there was any doubt at all). She said that if P had a temp spike we would be many hours away from IV anti-biotics - possibly not even able to dock if the seas were rough. But his bloods have been good, he's not had any spikes thus far, and we are still timing this just before his white blood cells are starting to dip. In the event, we were more worried about Boaz's still feeling ill from last Friday... but even he has since rallied. Thankfully, the sea was incredibly calm both ways, and our journey was further enhanced through opting for the 'Stenna Plus' service - a bit like 1st Class - very relaxing. Pads' NG tube came up this morning (i.e. not as a result of the ferry crossing!) - we think this was a case of over-indulging in the splendid and irresistable breakfast.
It was a particular delight to see how well our kids got on with their new-found Irish cousins...

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