Saturday, November 13, 2010

Well matched

The phone rang this morning and it was the sister on Sky ward, 'Could you use another two tickets for the Wales v. South Africa match this afternoon? Someone has had to cancel and they'll just be wasted otherwise.' We already had two grandstand tickets, donated by the same charity. It sounded great but these second lot were 'wheelchair users tickets', and our wheelchair was in the big car at Cardiff Airport, Ally having driven it there to catch a Dublin-bound plane on Friday: there's a big 'cousins meet' tonight. Anyway, the ward were willing to lend us a wheelchair, which was a relief because I was not sure how Pads would cope without it. So, four of us were able to get to a very exciting game. It was just a shame that Wales couldnt quite pull off the victory...
Pads is doing well. His health continues to improve, slowly but surely. The blood results yesterday showed that he's able to reduce the sodium boost, from 8ml per day to 6ml per day. His appetite is still dragging its heels, but he seems willing to try a wider range of foods, rather than things having to be very tasty. The endocrine team are also pretty happy with the current dose of thyroxine.

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