We are grateful to a small group of parents who have, for many months, helped daily with the school run so that our appearances at the school gates have been very limited. But yesterday, Ally went, with some trepidation, to meet Bo coming out of his last day in Ysgol Mynydd Bychan. It marks the end of our children's attendance there since Moli began in reception. It's not a big school, the plot has no large grassy field or space for expansion. A limited pool of talent compared with other local schools has meant pupils learn the worth of being rewarded for doing their best, regardless of actual success at county or inter-school level competitions. Nonetheless, it has provided a happy, safe and positive environment for the children's development and we are very grateful to the whole school community, the staff especially, of course, who were well worthy of the brownies Ally sent in. But it was emotional for multiple reasons and the inevitable questions, 'How's Padi?' and 'How are you?', were hard to field. The ready answers are, 'comfortable' and 'as you might expect' respectively.
Meanwhile, back at the bedside, it is delightful to pick some gloom-repelling gems from our arsenal of hymns to quietly sing, such as, "When peace, like a river attendeth my way, or sorrows like sea billows roll, whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, 'It is well, it is well, with my soul".
Tears are permitted to us, but they must glisten in the light of faith and hope. Jesus wept, but Jesus never repined. We, too, may weep, but not as those who are without hope, nor yet as though forgetful that there is greater cause for joy than for sorrow in the departure of our brethren [or even children! Ed.]. (Spurgeon sermon 1036)
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