Sunday, September 21, 2008

(Finally) connecting with the 'C' word

P, spotting a card about the Child Cancer Helpline, turns to mum and says, 'Have I got cancer then...? I thought I had a medulloblastoma...' And you're left thinking, how did he miss that? In amongst all the websites, big chats, leaflets, videos, etc... But anyway... he seems, for now, to have quickly assimilated this realisation with all the other stuff. In fact they all latched on to it as part of a conversation about money(!) and Ally had to ask them not to bandy that word around in public... just in case they're indiscreet with you.
He's especially not looking forward to the blood tests (for white blood count). I can agree with that - when donating blood, the worst bit is getting tested for HB. But the big thing this Tuesday is a CT simulation scan which they will use to target the right areas for the radiotherapy - like 'taking aim'. This means donning his mask and being bolted to the table for a fair while.


sun2maro said...

Hi! I just wanted to say you're blog came up in my "medulloblastoma" google news alert.... I have it because when my son was 8 years old (6 1/2 years ago) my son battled medullo-- here's a record of the early journey. We don't update too much anymore because things actually got back to normal... May the Lord bless you and hold you close through the next year. Our kids rode on the radiation tables and had a slumber party in hospital during chemo treatments... what a journey....

Mike Johnson said...

That is very kind of you - the path you've trodden seems to share many of the same stages. It is a great encouragement to hear that it's just a memory now. I know it is not always like that. I was thinking last night that, since the Lord cut our tenure on earth to more or less 70 years the years between our own departure and that of anyone else we know are microscopic, although the hole in the hearts of those left behind is fearful deep. But even today we have had encouraging news and now another one draws to a close, as full of blessings as it began.