Thursday, September 25, 2008


Date: 6 September 2008 19:13
Subject : Padrig saved Caleb in October 2004 and now has brain cancer
Dear Blue Peter,

Over the last couple of years Padrig, now 10 years old, has been writing to you about an act that he thinks should have qualified him for a Blue Peter Badge. He is still saddened not to have heard back at all. I have pointed out that you receive around a thousand messages per day but this just crushes his spirits more.

In 2004, we were visiting St Fagans 'National History Museum' (near Cardiff - really great place - just ask Gethin!) with a Scottish family, which included the 'independently-minded' Caleb, aged 2 at the time. The party had become somewhat spread out and Caleb slipped and fell into a garden pool with steep sides. There was certainly enough water to drown in but he was hanging onto the edge of the wall with the tips of his fingers, which were in mittens so he was bound to lose his grip. Padrig, who was closest to the pool, rushed over and grabbed him and helped him out.

Now, Pads has brain cancer. This was only discovered after five weeks of increasing pain which he suffered with considerable bravery. Most of the tumour was removed in a 6 hour operation on the 22nd August but we are facing 9-12 months of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, due to start in a couple of weeks time, once he's recovered from the op. I've been blogging about it to keep the many who are concerned up to date (see ).

No-one will ever know whether or not Caleb would have drowned, or just floated, or probably an adult would have heard the shouting and rescued Caleb... or whatever, if Pads had not helped him. There is a sense in which Padrig was 'in the right place at the right time', but he still had to act quickly, and no harm was done. I know that children can exaggerate but am also quite sure of two other things: that kids have been awarded Blue Peter badges for less, and that granting Padrig one now would give him a significant boost at this difficult time.

I look forward to hearing from you before too long.

Best wishes,


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