Thursday, October 23, 2008

A glimpse of Pads

I am told that the spine is a great place for neutrofils - which is why irradiating that area knocks their count down. It takes a week-ten days for the radiotherapy to wear off so even though his spine stopped getting zapped on Tuesday, he and his spine wont feel the benefit for a week or so yet. After that, he should get his neutrofils back up to normal pretty quickly... but that means he's still vulnerable at the moment. An oxygen tent is not an option, even if one of the others seems to be going down with a new cold.
Pads has had his first dose of picolax, which could mean another disturbed night. Ally is up for that though if it means progress. He arrived back on the ward tonight intent on watching a Santa Claus movie and not ever having to take movicol again. He's taking a bit of a hard line there we feel. I mean, it's ages till Christmas.

Our pastor was visiting and Pads was playfully trying to avoid getting photographed. Sorry the quality wasnt great but it was something more than nothing.

1 comment:

Scott Schroeder said...

Wow Pads is a movie star. Pastor Higham plays a great supporting roll. The dragon moving all over the place is a little scary though.

Hope everyone is well. Give the little guy my best.

God bless you all
