Tuesday, February 10, 2009


After waiting on the ward for some hours, a bed finally became available and Pads could start his second cycle of chemo. He has been in very good form - particularly after having been weighed. He's put on a whole kilo in a week! His ideal weight, we're told, is about 35Kg, but he's about 30.5 now. I went with him to the concourse at the hospital and got him a book and a magazine (Dr Who), and there was a deal on for bottles of Dr Pepper, so that was very productive.
Ally phoned at 9pm to say that he's managed to have the NG tube inserted - this is very good news. I could hear him joking in the background so he's pretty cheerful. The plan is to get him started with a feed tonight - it will really help build him up for the days to come.
Moli and Ash went to the Space ward at the children's hospital too tonight - they have a sort of siblings group-therapy 'club' where they can talk about their experiences with other siblings of cancer sufferers. Bo just had swimming... but I did read a bit of the hobbit to him - he was wide eyed at meeting Gollum and the ring for the first time...

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