Sunday, March 22, 2009

Hitting the heights

The weather has helped, but being at this end of the chemo cycle and getting a good diet has meant Pads has been on top form yesterday and today. He was playing swingball, running a bit, eating more, managed two services, keeping normal hours... in fact, all systems are 'go'.
Here he's enjoying one of Uncle Steve's cookies at the same time as the entral feed, and Tin-Tin of course.
The other day I was chatting with a few other people who had similar experiences within their families of severe illnesses. Even though none of them 'professed faith', each one was at pains to claim and agree that some positive turn in the treatment was a sign that "'someone upstairs' is smiling on them". I was surprised at this because the logic I was expecting was, "why or how could the 'someone upstairs' allow the disease to happen in the first place?"! A vast number of people have some vague belief about God. But, as the Pastor was referring to tonight, when the 'wrath of God is abiding on you already' (Jn 3:36), vague belief is not much of a foundation for confidence about this life or the next. Jesus has lived and died to pay for my sin, all of it. This leaves no place for pride but also no place for uncertainty, given the infinite quality and validity of the atonement that Jesus has made. What a gospel! Who can speak it's worth! Forgiveness of sins is wonderful, but to be reconciled to God, for now, forever, is beyond the telling.

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