Sunday, September 20, 2009

Henry Rees: 'the subject he delighted to dwell upon'

At home, with Pads resting in bed, and the others at the service, I'm pretty much alone with my books. Great Preachers of Wales, by Rev. Owen Jones, contains some of the most excellent and insightful commentary mingled in with the historical accounts of its remarkable subjects. First published in 1885, Tentmaker recently brought it back into circulation.
Of one stellar worthy, Henry Rees, it is said (p.398):
The last sermon he delivered in Liverpool, we understand, was upon the baptism of the Holy Spirit; it was a subject he delighted to dwell upon.
Then, the author fills two pages with an extended quote from this sermon. Through writings like this, it is clear that Dr D. Martyn Lloyd Jones, in advocating this baptism of the Spirit, was standing right in line with his forebears. So should we: we abuse, trifle with, malign or neglect it at our peril.

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