Sunday, May 30, 2010

steady progress but still a grind

Yesterday was a good day for recovery, after a better sleep on Friday night, but there's no doubt it's a slog for Pads. There are occasional smiles and he enjoys seeing visitors but the pain is never far away and he can spend quite a while trying to get comfortable. Last night was quite disturbed, he'd started cold-sweating while I was with him from about 6pm and this kept him awake, apart from little dozes, until about 3am... by which time he was asking for piriton and codeine. Then he slept till 6am.
One of the consultants has told us that we'll be in possession of the histology results on Tuesday, which will help decide where next with the treatment. There's a trip to Alderhey in the offing... we've been told to get a 'second opinion' from a world expert in recurrent medulloblastoma there.

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