Tuesday, September 14, 2010


So, after a long wait for the take-home medication, Pads arrived home at 6pm tonight. The previous night had been fairly uneventful. Any staff we saw on the way out were all saying how much they'd miss him. He's been patient and polite throughout, always saying 'thank you' to the Dr, nurse, or whoever was attending him.
There will be a process of adjustment now, with regular visits to the hospital, Friday being the first one. If we can keep him hydrated, that is, in the mean time.
The bag of meds we took home was quite something! It showed how much we'd relied on the team to keep the drugs going in at the right times. We owe them all a debt of thanks and plan to take something in on Friday to express that. I can't offer anything materially to thank all of you who have faithfully prayed for us over the last period of treatment especially. Please be assured that we are greatly encouraged for all this support. It is fair to say that he's done better than expected, with the plentiful stem cell harvest, the lack of tricky infections, and the speed with which his blood counts came back up.

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1 comment:

Susanna said...

yay for being at home