Monday, September 20, 2010

Soduim imbalance

Yesterday was very quiet, Pads didnt really stir until noon, under the influence of Nozinan. He got back into a long forgotten jigsaw and went for a late afternoon trundle around the park.
Today was quite a contrast. The home-tutor arrived at 9:30 prompt and stayed for almost an hour and a half. She was very encouraging and positive and saw a lot of potential in him. The work he was doing in maths was a long way ahead of the state sector at this stage. He'll also get help with English, which he's found awkward.
After that it was up to the ward for a blood test and back down, over the road, to see the psycologist. He agreed that it would be a good idea to meet up with her again last week, but, by today, he'd largely forgotten what it was about, or so it seemed. No-one goes through the depths he's compassed without lasting impact, and it can be hard to bring this to the surface to order.
When the blood results came through at 6pm, Pads was called back in for a sodium infusion. In the event, the Dr was content if we replaced 1ltr of water with 500mls of dioralyte and 500mls of osmalite. We've also upped the Sodium Chloride by 100% to try and boost his levels.
For a brief moment tonight, water tasted fine as he swallowed the 1/4 nozinan tablet. Simple pleasures! He put it down to having brushed his teeth.

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