Sunday, July 31, 2011


Pads blood results from Friday were fine for another cylcle of chemo. At the clinic they were discussing his mobility and the consultant was telling him he should use a stick or he risked falling and breaking something... which would really put paid to his independence. He's been experimenting with a hiking pole but he finds it difficult to hold it in his left hand, and that's the side that needs to be stabilised. So he's learning how to launch himself around the house between gaps.
Today was Asher's birthday but he wasnt really able to get down to the grand pressie unwrapping, even though he was really excited about the mobile phone he'd helped to choose and buy for his brother. Asher is VERY happy with his new phone. He says it's the best gift he's ever had, with the exception of his Wales rugby shirt.
The picture is of Pads being introduced by Mr Higham to Dr Peter Masters of the Metropolitan Tabernacle, with Rev. Jack Seaton (Inverness) in attendance. This was at the end of our Summer Conference week, Dr Masters just having delivered a lively gospel message from Luke's account of their shipwreck in Acts 27. It is a happy thing to look back on a good week for the Church, with many visitors enjoying solid, challenging Christ-exalting sermons and fellowship. Many of the messages spoke directly into our situation, with the sovereign providence of God a running theme throughout. To quote Mr Seaton, 'when God is not exercising his power, he's exercising his purposes'. As well as both serviced today, Mr Seaton kindly agreed to take this afternoon's doctrine class too, from John 11 and Jesus' deliberate delay before travelling to raise Lazarus from the dead. Amongst other things, he pointed out that Paul, as an apostle, could have 'just healed' Epaphroditus, but he seems to have nursed him back to health through natural means.

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