Friday, June 7, 2013

Tub with Llŷr

The house has continued to 'tick over' with visitors: amongst others, it was good to see Pads' school mates and lovely to receive Grace from Scotland for a couple of nights. Happily for her, the church held a Gospel Preaching Rally last night with Pastor John Saunders of Chichester. He spoke with great clarity and earnestness from Matthew 9:33, 'the dumb spake'. When we are saved we will speak to God, of God and for God.
Mr Saunders introduced us to the Puritan Christopher Love, referring to the book by Don Kistler. The letters exchanged between Love and his wife while anticipating his execution are striking:
Though thy head was severed from the body, yet in a moment thy soul should be united to thy Head, the Lord Jesus, in heaven. (p84)
Even though our body may be rent, nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus! (Rom 8:1)
In spite of needing two doses of breakthrough pain relief last evening and one just before leaving his room, Pads made it to the tub again this afternoon. This time cousin Llŷr was able to make the trip too. Padi's pretty wobbly, understandably so! We've tried to overcome his limitations and make it happen with as little discomfort and indignity as possible if it's what he wants, but the amount of strain is starting to outweigh the pleasure.
Llyr and Pads enjoy a tub 2013-06-07 12.54.52
Bo had a big day with his (and our) final assembly of Ysgol Mynydd Bychan. He had to change clothes twice to play Aneurin Bevan, Ray Gravell and a character from a Sherlock Holmes story. Now he's learning lines for auditions - he wants a decent part in the end of year play.

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