Sunday, December 23, 2018


I am writing this as I use some time on A5 ward. I've been diagnosed with a cyst in my voice box so that needs taking out. I saw the GP about it in the summer when I mysteriously lost my voice. The xray revealed nothing sinister. Eventually the ENT referral came through and, last Thursday, the consultant ordered an urgent operation. A special camera on a thin pipe was fed into my nose. It did cause some amount of discomfort and gagging but it was a far cry from what Padi went through with his NG tube struggles.

Last Wednesday he would have been 21. It was very touching to chat with one of his classmates at Glantaf's Christmas concert the previous night. See an example of what the concert was like at

I had planned to be away writing up all la's week, but decided to submit the thesis to get it in before the year end (and avoid paying another tuition fee installment). It feels great to be free of that burden although I still have to pass a viva in the new year (no date yet).

Moli was home and both Ally and myself had taken annual leave so we had a relaxed day, walking dogs and a visit to the grave. There beneath some soil lies a broken boy, but we can fall in with thinking of him as sleeping, as per the New Testament (eg. Paul speaks in 1 Corinthians 15:18  of those 'which are fallen asleep in Christ'). Christ's resurrection power is soon going to transform Pads' mortal body, to be like His own glorious body.

As other kids grow up, it is arresting to wonder what Pads would be like as a man - wonderful really, given how bright, warm and quirky he was. However, with the speed of life, it will not be long before we find out in person. If you read this but do not share our aspiration, seek God who promises, in Jeremiah 29:13, 'And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart' .

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