Thursday, January 28, 2010

'I _love_ sweetcorn'

...was one of the memorable utterances of the day from Padz. It reminded us of the time that a corn on the cob was the only thing he was interested in. Today it included lasagne. But he's still not quite getting as much as the dietitian would like - we had a chat with her yesterday. Even including the overnight 700 calories, she thought he was about 600 short.
It's great to have the words of the consultant backing up the arrangement of three days of school per week. Pads feels it's a reasonable target and expectations in general are thus being managed well. Far better like this than feeling like we have to apply a little bit of pressure if he seemed otherwise well enough to go in.
With the current levels of activity (including time on the wii) his tiredness has swapped around to the proper time of day, instead of being shattered in the mornings and then wakeful at nights. But he wasn't too tired to make some cookies tonight - they've got a cake sale in school tomorrow to raise funds for Haiti.

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