Monday, January 25, 2010

Pleasing progress

It's wonderful to be able to start getting back to normal. Yesterday, in conversation about a future engagement, I caught myself cancelling the usual mental hiatus which adds a good deal of uncertainty to making plans. I felt I could go up a level in confidence about the liklihood of Pads needing a sudden change of plan. Of course, any number of variables can brush aside the 'best laid plans', and the Bible warns against boasting of the morrow.
But this morning he was up and about for the end of family worship and managed to cope with oats for breakfast like the rest of us, instead of the usual carte blanche 'have anything you fancy' policy. Last Monday's school was scuppered by an ear problem that went on it's own. Today he was out at 7:50am.
After coming home from a full day of school, he then set about doing his homework for a couple of hours. He's got plenty, which will tide him over tomorrow too. He and we are very happy to think of just going three days a week, as the consultant said. He may yet go more than that if he has a very good night and wakes up champing at the bit. We'll see.
The consultant took a lot of time and care to give him a thorough examination on Friday and, considering the battering he's had, she was really impressed. In the midst of this, we still feel very much for Rhys, and Ruth, whose recovery is grindingly slow by comparison... Also, in work, Ally met a lad who would have rubbed shoulders with Pads while on treatment - he was back for more chemo...

1 comment:

Susanna said...

so pleased to hear of the progress :)