Sunday, August 15, 2010

Settling in

Pads has kept really well, this is in spite of a few nasty colds affecting those around him. He's also had something odd going on with a couple of his toes. None of this has so far got in the way of the High-Dose chemo starting tomorrow. He checked in at 6pm, but was a bit frustrated because he neednt have missed the evening service. He could have had his check-up at 4pm, gone to church, and returned to the hospital in plenty of time to start hydrating him at midnight. Anyway, he's settling in, enjoying the door being propped open for now. Isolation will start later in the week when his immunity is compromised. He will need to be in hospital for up to five weeks, until his blood counts have come back up. Bo and I visited after the service and P'd got stuck into drawing a name badge for the door. He's also decorated the wall with the pictures that came from New Zealand via Meryl.
Bo models pictures from New Zealand

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