Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Good times and less so

Well the weather is wonderful. We had a couple of light showers and otherwise, as you can see, the clouds make for some stunningly dramatic scenery.
It was sad to have to let Anton go yesterday. We tried various tacks to bring him around but he was just feeling too bad to carry on.
We've all found it challenging though. Yesterday was a 14 mile day, and you can just see the half-way point in the picture - a tiny bump on the horizon - Pen-y-Fan. Today is the approach to that with two 300m ascents - 17 miles total. The next day, Pen-y-Fan day, is 20 miles.
We all like Cwmdu campsite (unlimited showers) and the local fayre is fine indeed. I ate too much and remembered at 2am that one thing I'd forgotten was indigestion relief but thankfully the feelings passed soon enough... As did the night.
The news from home is that Asher's school tag-rugby team had won 4/4 games - so well done them! Pads was in the crowd to cheer them on for me. Tag-rugby is a far better game than full-contact at this age: levels out the size advantage and develops important skills, like running straight and timing your pass.
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