Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Pads and Pod

It was great to speak with our nurse this morning about all kinds of issues concerning Pads' care. We talked through some options for 'learning' which P has recently shown an interest in. The idea is a bit formative at the moment, but we really want to enable him to reach his potential without our inhibitions or expectations limiting what he attempts. This afternoon was given over to art with Pod. She'd helped the Brain Tumour Support Group create a mosaic and Kay (LATCH social worker) had the idea of funding her to spend individual time with Pads. On her first visit, after they'd working up some ideas, out came the paint. The name Jackson Pollock had been mentioned so I had visions of a new-style and far more colourful garden, but the process was a lot more sedate than that. Nevertheless, Pads was really pleased with the whole experience and rightly delighted with the result.
Here's the finished article:
Pads work with Pod Clare
We're pleased that the PSP-Go went for the respectable sum of £53.23 - thanks to Catherine and Malcolm for organising that for us. That money goes straight to the 'Kids Cancer Charity'.

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