Thursday, December 27, 2012

Happy Christmas

We had a very nice day on Christmas Day. The previous night four of us had made it to the Welsh language watchnight service to see the day in. Ten hours later we were back for the English service. Pads remained in bed for all of this but we were glad he came down at lunchtime to meet his visiting grandparents. Steroid-enhanced appetite did not materialise - the only bit of Christmas dinner he took was a small square of bacon. Within an hour he'd fallen asleep resting head on knees but upright in a ball. Moli helped him wobble back upstairs. He came back down to watch Mr Bean's Christmas in the evening with the rest of us.
Boxing Day was spent in bed. Today there are signs of 'tablet fatigue'. Our nurse was over suggesting his reflux (caused by steroids) could be helped by a dose of omeprazole. We had some in and I went straight up and explained. He stared a bit, took them, but muttered, 'what a life' under his breath.

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