Thursday, May 2, 2013

Photobook arrives

Pads was quite splat again yesterday, after the successful trip to Iron Man 3 on Tuesday night. The mission was complex, edgy, and fairly tense on times, the hero was 'armed and dangerous', and all was well in the end; a bit like the film's plot! Because of traffic we arrived with just enough time but, in haste, I forgot to put up the disabled badge and duly received a parking ticket. I've lodged an appeal.
He was just coming around when Mr Higham and our Pastor arrived so he was glad of their ministry. One of the other things that helped lift Padi yesterday was a parcel from Ellen MacArthur. Of course we'd told them that he was sadly unable to take his 3rd trip this summer. They said they would send a hoodie, which sounded nice. It arrived yesterday embossed with his name.
Even better than that though was a photobook crammed with pictures of his trips. Most of the photos are new to us and brought back a lot of very happy memories for Pads. It provided a great talking point with Grandad and Grandma, also visiting yesterday, Peter being such a keen sailor (see his weather Webpage).
We're glad that Padi is so much more comfortable this week since the syringe driver went up, as much as we may have been dreading that. He's been out of the house, even had a bath with it still functioning and so if he does want to do more he knows he needn't be limited by the driver.

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