Friday, July 5, 2013

Phenobarbital driver too

Padi was in a lot of pain again this morning. He was expressing the feeling that his head was under pressure and the pain was especially severe in his eyes. With buccal diamorphine 120mg, midazolam 2.5mg and fentanyl 400mg on board his pain levelled off for a while. Then, when he was watching a film with Moli, who was also earning her keep with a spot of ironing, the pain suddenly came back again. It reminded us of the trip back from France in 2008 when Padi regularly yelped in pain all the way home.
The increased steroids and diamorphine doses of the last couple of days clearly had not worked. It was decided to put up another syringe driver, this time delivering phenobarbital (which cannot be mixed with another drug). As a result, he is quite sedated and we are expecting him to be knocked out for a couple of days. So Pads now has two 'sub-cut' drivers, one delivering to his left arm and the other to his tummy.
When not in pain and not sleeping, his dry wit is never far from the room and he polished off a fair amount of food today, including the scrambled egg on toast this evening.

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