Saturday, July 6, 2013


We are regularly delighted and impressed with the students at Glan Taf who have supported Padi throughout his journey with cancer. Recently they have hatched an idea to fundraise for one of the charities that has supported us. Yesterday at the school fare they raised £493!
See their facebook page at
They also started a Twitter feed at
In stark contrast to the week past, Pads has only had one breakthrough pain dose today so, although he's quite sleepy, he's comfortable. His eyes are not coping with a lot of light so the room is darkened most of the time and he's finding the glasses bring on eye pain so they have been swapped for the patch. He has found  the i-Pad screen too bright (will be adjusting this soon) and had to halt watching a film 1/3rd of the way through with his brothers because the screen was hurting his eyes. The DS is still OK on its lowest brightness setting. One of the wonderful things about paper as a technology is its lack of glare so he's quietly picked away at his codebreakers at times today. He asked for a dimmer switch for the lighting this morning but I got a floor-lamp that did that instead because it enables him to reach the controls.

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